Art Karlsruhe 2025


Christine Brunella, Sheila Furlan, Margit Hartnagel, Andreas Kocks, Dieter Kränzlein, Eberhard Ross and Stefan Wurmer

February 20 - 23, 2025

participation at art fair with Gallery Fenna Wehlau
Stand B27 & sculpture area B29 in Hall 1

colour cubes variation_nr1_sheilafurlan
museum HAUS DES PAPIERS Berlin

Transformation Papier

December 12, 2024 Vernissage (by invitation only, R.S.V.P.)

6 p.m. welcome by
Katharina Grosch, Museum management
Annette Berr, Artistic direction
Annika Lorenz, Project management

Exhibition dates December 13, 2024 – June 08, 2025

museum HAUS DES PAPIERS Berlin

Seydestraße 30
10117 Berlin

Past Exhibitions & Projects (Selection)


9. Roter Kunstsalon | with Christine Brunella, Eberhard Ross und Stephan Wurmer, Museum Villa Rot mit Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Burgrieden near Ulm

Symphonie der Farben und Formen | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich

Kunst Aktuell 2024 | Annual exhibition Kunstverein Rosenheim, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim (Catalogue)

Art Karlsruhe 2024 | participation at art fair | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Karlsruhe (Catalogue)

Light Up | with Eberhard Ross, David John Flynn, Selcuk Dizlek, Ingo Fröhlich and Ulrike Seyboth | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich


floating spaces | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich (Solo Exhibition)

Art Karlsruhe 2023 | participation at art fair | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Karlsruhe (Catalogue)

Portal | halle 50, with Anja Verbeek von Loewis and Fabian Gatermann, Städtisches Atelierhaus am Domagkpark, Munich

separat waschen | Textile reflections on the present, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim

Positions Berlin 2023 | participation at art fair | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Berlin

flying high | room installation “to the sky” in the church Evang.-Luth. Dreieinigkeitskirche, Regensburg

Hang on | with Susanne Thiemann, Yvonne Hohner Contemporary Gallery, Karlsruhe

small is big | Gallery artists | Showroom 21, Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich


LEISE RUFE, LAUTES FLÜSTERN | participation at Vienna art week | basement Vienna, Austria

How much does a feeling weigh? | Rette mich! from the Red Cross to art, Museum Penzberg

Über die Textilie hinaus | Gallery FOE, Munich

Guest artists group exhibition | Galerie am Markt, Neubeuern

female | with Susanne Kraisser, Gallery Kunst Herrmann, Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate (Solo Exhibition)

neu gedacht | Murnau, with Kathrin Knöpfle, art association Murnau

Kunst aktuell 2022 | Annual exhibition Kunstverein Rosenheim, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim (Catalogue)

INCorporating art fair Hamburg | art fair, Oberhafenquartier Hamburg


Starke Frauen | GEDOK, Stadthausgalerie, Sonthofen

art und nature II | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich (Katalog)

Kunst_stoff | Townhall lobby Murnau & Art Association Gallery as part of an art symposium Textile Strategies, Murnau

Formschnitt, achtzehnkommazwei | Raum für Kunst, Munich


art und nature I | Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich (Catalogue)

Art project, mural art with/from children | in the children´s house Himmelsstürmer, Munich


Memory | Gallery Bezirk Oberbayern, Munich with catalogue funding (Catalogue)

Transparencies | Sheila Furlan, Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich Schwabing (Solo Exhibition)


Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung | (faith, love, hope) art in sacred places in Gräfelfing, art circle Gräfelfing

Todos con Juan | Subasta de Arte (Art Auction) a Beneficio, Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico

Hausarbeiten | 12th art weekend in the Villa Zierer, Gröbenzell near Munich

Layers | mf art atelier-galerie, Munich


arkadenale, go to paradise | Kunstarkaden, Munich (Catalogue)

female | with Alexandra Hiltl and Susanne Kassalitzky, Gallery Kunst Herrmann, Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate (Solo Exhibition)

Vernetzt | (Interconnected) with Dieter Noss, Gallery Benjamin Eck, Munich (Solo Exhibition)

Blick dahinter | (View behind the scenes) Gallery am Markt, Neubeuern

7 | mf art atelier-gallery, Munich

Sommerausstellung | (Summer exhibition) Gallery Fenna Wehlau, Munich


zuhause | (At home), mf art atelier-gallery, Munich

Publication | Textilkunst International, June 2016 magazine, artist portrait

Publication | art book, Internationale Kunst Heute 2016


Textile Skulptur. Raum Körper Hülle | (Textile sculpture. Room body shell) with Ina Ettlinger and Monika Supé, old townhall, Art circle Gräfelfing (Solo Exhibition & Catalogue)

beweglich = grün ohne Boden | (movable = green without ground) Gallery art association Ebersberg, GEDOK


in between | Art hall historical Reitstadel, Art Circle Jura, Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate (Solo Exhibition & Catalogue)

in between | Art association Ebersberg, Ebersberg (Solo Exhibition & Catalogue)

Moderne Welt | (Modern world) European Patent Office Munich (Catalogue)

a Poem is like a Pearl | Gallery Schlosspavillon Ismaning, GEDOK

geografias invisibles | mf art atelier-gallery, Munich


Medium Zeichnung. Formulierung des Denkens | (Medium of drawing. Formulation of thought) Liebenweinturm, tower on top of the castle, Burghausen

de aquí y de allá | mf art atelier-gallery, Munich


Die ersten Jahre der Professionalität 31 | (The First Years of Professionalism) Gallery of Artists BBK, Munich (Catalogue)

Spuren | (Traces) mf art atelier-gallery, Munich


Wo ist Sophia? Die Weisheit des Leibes | (Where is Sophia? The Wisdom of the Body) Women's museum, Bonn (Catalogue)

welcome I | Gallery GEDOK, Munich

79 AU | mf art atelier-gallery, Munich

Alles zu seiner Zeit | (All in good time), J.S. Bach Goldberg variations for harpsichord-castanets concert with dance, with Rachel Lynn Bowman and Carmen Jauch; scenery and costumes, performances in Germany and Austria


Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört, der weiß, wie Wolken schmecken. | (Those who hear butterflies laughing know what clouds taste like.) Novalis, mf art atelier-gallery, Munich (Solo Exhibition)

Jungbrunnen – Wasser des Lebens | (Fountain of Youth – Water of Life) Art association Bad Wörishofen, GEDOK (Catalogue)

Turm zu Babel – Hybris | (Tower of Babel – Hubris) Art association Erding, Erding, 2nd prize (Catalogue)

Überbrückung | (Bridging) mf art atelier-gallery, Munich (Catalogue)


STADTfinden | (Town / Happening) Children's art event Marienhof, Spielkultur, Munich

Homepage & homepictures | Open House Exhibition, launch of Sheila Furlan´s new website (Solo Exhibition)

Exile | Short films as stage components in a theater play, under the direction of Alejandra Peña, Utrecht, Netherlands


English/Lakota by Red Elk and Winfried Allessi-Narr | book cover design, Pizpiza Publishing, USA


Sevillanas gefragt… | (Sevillanas asked…) Flamenco dance theater with 12 dancers, concept, stage design, costumes, short films and dance participation, 3 years of performances in Germany & Austria (including white Box Kulturfabrik, Gasteig Munich)


Evergreen | Biennial national horticultural and landscape show, Munich-Riem (Catalogue)

Logisches und weniger Logisches | (The logical and less logical) KunstWerke BMW, Dingolfing (Catalogue)


in echt, also anders | (For real, hence different) Kunstraum, Munich


Outlet: Messestadt München-Riem | kunstprojekte_riem, Munich-Riem (Catalogue)

Wopila – Lakota Ceremonial Songs | Pizpiza Publishing & Recording, CD layout, Nomination


diario | Goethe-Institut, Munich (Solo Exhibition)

eingriffe, in fünf Hinterhöfen | (Interventions, in five backyards) Munich-Schwabing